Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Written Voice

It occurs to me that I am actually a verbal person, so this is not my natural state. But it is a way to archive these thoughts. Usually, I speak my thoughts, revise and redo, until I get it straight, the way my mind sees it, if that makes sense.

I am in a period of reevaluation. Where to go from here? Any clues would be helpful. Dating sites are becoming a hassle, but as a naturally shy person, I am not a big joiner. Therefore, I need help with that, which has been good. But the down side is the maintenance. Jeez, I had no idea how difficult it was to maintain all those emails, not to mention the views, the winks, the flirts, on and on...

In some way, it would be nice to have comments on these thoughts, but not sure this is interesting enough for anyone but me to read. So onward I plug along.

The essential question--is time really running out--or do I just feel that way? Am I wasting my life by frittering it away? I am impatient to get to the real thing, but can that happen in the last half of life??