Saturday, January 31, 2015


Waiting is the hardest part, that's what they say. I disagree. I think the actual event or news can be worse. But it's hard to see that now. My chest feels heavy with sadness--even if it is potential sadness. Still, we have to wait in agony. Every now and then, my friend will allude to what may be impending doom. He is starting to plan for his death--or potentially major incapacitation, I don't want to bring anything up because I can tell he is scared. Times like these, I wish I was religious.

It's weird, This seems like my own little journal since no one knows it's here. I think I like it that way since it opens me up to honesty. I don't know why anyone would want to read this anyway. Ramblings about how sad I am can't be very interesting.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Living life without a net

I deleted this original post because it concerned someone other than myself. I don't want anything in this blog to reflect on anyone but me. Therefore, to begin again...

I want to offer support for all the people who have benefited and actually been saved by access to healthcare. As the title says, many folks, especially artists, musicians, writers, and photographers have lived for years on their own, without health insurance, "like a trapeze artist without a net," as a friend often says. This has caused many problems to go unaddressed and when this happens, the results have sometimes been catastrophic. Some of these folks are in my own family or are close friends. I am thankful for those who now have access and can go forward with their lives with more confidence since they can go see a doctor when they need it. I wish them well.